Tag: IoT


IoT Security: Why Sensors Accumulate so Much Sensitive Data

IoT Security
Posted on Softengi

Necessity is the mother of invention. But in many cases, scammers are the driving force of any progress.

In the information technology era, information is exchanged not only between people but also between things (that is how we get the Internet of Things). And some of this information is very sensitive.

So, what information can IoT sensors collect, where is it stored, and how dangerous if it gets publicly available? Let’s talk about it further on.


IoT in Warehouse Management: Making Spaces Smarter

IoT in Warehouse
Posted on Softengi

Would you need warehouses without retail stores?

After all, goods are brought to warehouses just for the timely replenishment of store shelves. At the same time, storing surplus in warehouses nowadays is an unforgivable luxury. Businesses do everything to ensure that their goods go directly to stores, rather than being stored in warehouses. In logistics, there is even such a term as ‘JIT, just-in-time’ which means that the goods are not stored for an excessive amount of time and are received and sent out almost immediately.


GPS technology: Logistics, Agriculture, and Security Industries Reap Benefits

GPS technology
Posted on Softengi

GPS technology can be a valuable aid to such business sectors as logistics, agriculture, and security. Using these trackers companies can improve the efficiency of many operations and spend resources wisely.


Smart greenhouse: luxury or necessity

Smart greenhouse
Smart greenhouse: luxury or necessity

What is the profitability of a share? What makes more sense to rent it out or it is easier to sell it? What if it was inherited by you? I have no answers to these questions. I think, if you install a smart greenhouse there, it would be possible to grow something that would be very profitable.


Smart Dolphin: Ultrasonic Distance Sensor

Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
Ultrasonic Distance Sensor

Previously I lived in Yevpatoria. It’s a city in Western Crimea, by the Black Sea. Yearly dolphins migrate from Odessa to Sevastopol and back. There are old moorings that have rusted, and only their pillars remain. Unfortunately, dolphins sometimes do not notice them and hurt their bellies.


Умная теплица: роскошь или необходимость

«Умная» теплица: роскошь или необходимость
Умная теплица: роскошь или необходимость

Какая рентабельность одного пая? Есть ли смысл сдавать его в аренду или проще продать? Что делать, если он достался в наследство? На эти вопросы у меня нет ответов. Но, думаю, установив на нём умную теплицу, можно было бы выращивать что-то, что будет ну очень рентабельным.


LoRaWAN technology: life after the lockdown

LoRaWAN technology: life after the lockdown
LoRaWAN technology: life after the lockdown. Posted on Aggeek

COVID-19, fires, drought. These should have happened sooner or later anyway. Taking a thought? But it could have been even worse! I am sure that the world has already been transformed by a mirror. How? And how was it before, when there were other crises? High time for new technologies.


Технология LoRaWAN: жизнь после карантина

Технология LoRaWAN: жизнь после карантина
Технология LoRaWAN: жизнь после карантина. Опубликовано на Aggeek

COVID-19, пожары, засуха. Это всё то, что рано или поздно должно было случиться. Задумались? А ведь могло быть и хуже! Уверен, что мир уже зеркально преобразился. Но как? А как раньше, когда были другие кризисы? Время новым технологиям.
